CBD Pet Tincture: How Safe is it for your Dog and Cat?

 In recent years the stigma surrounding CBD or Cannabidiol has been replaced by its rapidly increasing mass-acceptance, some going to the extent of calling it a super healer. CBD tinctures, salves, soft gels, gummies, and likewise are held in high regard these days for their healing and pain-relieving properties. However, humans are not the only ones to benefit from Cannabidiol use; studies have revealed that it has an equally positive effect on our furry friends. Hence, a lot of manufacturers have brought out their range of CBD pet tinctures, balms, and treats to delight pet parents. Nevertheless, the question remains, is CBD safe for your dog and cat? Does it show the same benefits as in humans? We are going to answer all those queries and more in this blog. 












What is Cannabidiol or CBD?

CBD is also known as cannabidiol is an extract that is derived from the cannabis plant. It falls within the cannabinoid family, which is existent in the marijuana plant. However, cannabidiol is not marijuana; neither does it contain THC compound, which creates intoxication or the high-effect. The CBD is extracted in a broad spectrum contains 0.0%-0.3% THC, which is acceptable medically and does not fall under the intoxicant category.  


Is it safe for pets (cat/dog)?

Cannabidiol for pets is infused in CBD treats for dogs and cats, along with flavored tinctures, salves, and balms specially formulated for animals. These act as hemp-based food supplements for pets that are gaining a lot of popularity these days. Studies have shown that quality CBD cat treats and dog products are safe and effective as alternative medicine. It is also rich in Omega-3 fatty acids that are effective for reducing inflammation.   


What kinds of Pet conditions can be treated with CBD Products? 

There are a host of pet health conditions that have shown signs of healing with CBD intake. Here are a few that we can list for you:


  • Chronic pain due to accident or health condition.
  • Cancer.
  • Inflammation.
  • Bowel diseases.
  • Cardiac condition. 
  • Arthritis.
  • Skin tumors.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Rashes and irritations.
  • Anxiety and fear. 
  • Seizures.


Many veterinarians recommend a limited intake of CBD treats for dogs and cats as a healthy food supplement. Tinctures and balms are recommended for pains and other chronic ailments. However, it is advised that you consult your vet before giving CBD in treat or tincture form to your furry friend.  


What the Pet Parent needs to follow while giving CBD treats to a dog/cat?

If it is your first time giving CBD to your cat or dog, here are a few things to follow:


  • It is best to start with the smallest dose possible and then gradually increase it after consulting a vet to eliminate any side-effects. However, the chances are slim that there will be any adverse impact on the pet’s health. 
  • While buying, you need to ensure that there are minimal levels of THC up to 0.3%.
  • Do not meddle with the dosage schedule fixed by the vet. 
  • CBD pet tinctures and topical are highly effective in treating dermatitis in dogs and cats. 
  • The CBD product that you buy should be 100% organic and food grade.
  • There should be no traces of butane in the product.
  • Check the third-party lab certificates on the product before buying.  


The key to getting the maximum benefit from CBD is the place from where you buy it. Say High Smoke Shop is a leading supplier of high-quality CBD products for pets with an extensive range. They have an unscathed reputation in the industry for offering only quality and health grade products to the customers. Refer to their online shop for more details on the pet product range. 


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