CBD Pet Tincture: How Beneficial is it for your Furry Friend?

 CBD or Cannabidiol is a chemical obtained from the cannabis Sativa plant. Although derived from the same source, this is neither the same as marijuana nor has the same effects. On the contrary, in recent years, CBD has gained immense popularity for promoting wellness and good health in both people and their pets. Nevertheless, whether CBD pet tinctures and treats are beneficial for our furry friends remains a widely debated topic among pet parents. So, to put their minds to ease, we have compiled this write-up with researched facts explaining the benefits of CBD for pets. 



How Beneficial is CBD for your Pets?

A survey conducted by the VIN news services with 2131 participants reported that more than 63% of the veterinarians were asked about CBD oils for pets by the parents at least once a month. So, as you can see, there’s lots of curiosity regarding cannabidiol among people. On that note, here is a brief overview of the benefits one can expect from CBD pet treats and tinctures.


#1 Pain Reducer

CBD is known to reduce the absorption of anandamide which dampens the pain signals in the brain. So, if your pet is suffering from extreme pain, cannabidiol-infused treats and tincture can be the ultimate soother. 


#2 Treats Anxiety

Pets, especially dogs, can suffer from anxiety if they have gone through any traumatic experiences. Even general occurrences like fireworks, sudden loud honking of horns, thunderstorms, or any other form of loud noise can trigger anxiety in pets. Experts suggest that CBD dog treats can help in such situations by taking the edge off since cannabidiol acts as an anticonvulsant.   


#3 Anti-inflammatory

Arthritis is a common health concern in pets, not to mention a host of other medical issues that can lead to internal inflammation. CBD pet tincture is known to evoke various immune responses and reduce inflammation, offering relief. 


#4 Antiemetic 

If your dog is suffering from nausea and vomiting, leading to reduced appetite and weight loss, CBD can help. It not only curbs the feeling of nausea but also increases the appetite. So, your pet would return to the regular meal routine in no time. First, however, you need to ensure that you get nothing but the best CBD dog treats and pet tinctures.


#5 Might Prevent Cancer 

Some studies have shown that CBD can heal tumors. In addition, it can stop the tumor and cancerous cells from growing and spreading to other organs. However, you might want to consult with a veterinarian before administering it.  



To summarize, CBD pet tinctures and treats have a host of benefits for pets, promoting their general health and well-being other than treating specific ailments. However, you need to buy high-quality and the best CBD dog treats and pet supplements to yield favorable results. Just look for a manufacturer and supplier that is credible and with proper license, offering transparency regarding the composition of the products. 


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